Saturday, January 1, 2011

Is it really 2011?

Hard to believe that we have closed the book on 2010 and 2011 is waiting to unfold before us. For me 2010 was all in all a good year. It has had its share of ups and downs but ultimately I am very blessed. God has blessed me with so many people in my life that have been  total blessing and support. I am learning more and more everyday not just the true meaning but the depth of God's love for me. I have continued a journey of healing and discovery. Friendships continue to grow and become more than I ever dreamed they could be. I have to say that I could not be a luckier person to not only have my blood related nieces and nephews but several other children who are a big part of my lives.....even those who live all the way in Tennessee :) I am thankful for my family, as incredibly difficult as it can be at times, I do love them very much. I prayed tonight that God would continue to open my eyes and continue this path of learning and healing and that I would do some things better in this new year. I also pray for all of you, and want to thank anyone reading this for being such a big part of my life and for loving me for me! I look forward to getting to spend another year with amazing people.